Fran Mate
We at IFA, believe that the Franchising as a mode of doing business is an easy and risk free
business to a quick expansion. IFA being a non profit organisation with a vision to create
awareness about the strength lies in franchising.
At FranMate, we provide help in matchmaking that bridges the requirement gap of the
franchisors and the franchisees. FranMate, thus enables the franchisors get right
franchisees, particularly of their choice and interest, for their business. Similarly it
helps the franchisees get appropriate brands that they seek to work with. Thereby, it
successfully satiates the needs and aspirations of the both.
Franchising in the safest mode of business as adding manpower, opening an offices or outlets
is no more a headache for expanding or increasing the sales for your business. In USA around
45 % of GDP is generated through the franchise business and India is gearing the same mode
with annual growth rate of 30-35% with a GDP contribution at 6 % shows a huge potential in
In case you would like us to help you in searching a business opportunity for you in a
franchise format, please do write to us. For more details about our consultancy or any other
services please feel free to contact undersigned.